Although we believe that the translations are substantially correct, we cannot guarantee their accuracy, due to our limited knowledge of the languages concerned. If you discover an error, please let us know so that we can correct it.
If you have any difficulties running the programs in CD Writer Plus v1 with these versions of the .RSC files, please reinstall the distribution versions before contacting us with a problem report.
IMPORTANT: These files do NOT include an Italian version of the .RSC file for CD Writer 2. Do NOT use the included CDWRITER.RSC file with CD Writer 2: it will not work!
Updated 23/September/1999
CD Writer Plus version 2.1 is now available! This fixes all known problems in
version 2.0, and adds the capability of backing up DOS-style partitions. We
recommend that all owners of version 2.0 update to this version.
If you have any problems with CD Writer Plus v2, please update to v2.1 first; this may fix your problem.
If you have updated to the latest version of CD Writer Plus and ExtenDOS Gold, and are still having problems, you may contact us for assistance by email (preferred) or telephone.