Hardware compatibility

System requirements

ExtenDOS Pro runs on all TOS-based systems from Atari, including the ST, STe, Mega, MegaSTe, TT030, and Falcon030. For the latest information on compatibility with non-Atari TOS-based systems, please contact Anodyne Software.

ExtenDOS Pro requires a SCSI CD-ROM drive connected directly to the SCSI port of a TT030 or Falcon030, or connected to an ACSI port via a host adapter (see below).

Host adapter requirements

SCSI drives must be connected to the ACSI port of an Atari system via a host adapter, which performs the protocol conversion between ACSI and SCSI. In order to support the full range of ExtenDOS Pro facilities, including audio CD, photoCD and direct audio CD recording, the host adapter must be an ICD AdSCSI+/Link/Link2 or WB Systemtechnik Link96/Link97 or equivalent host adapter. Most other host adapters (including the original Atari host adapter, the Supra, the BMS, and certain early ICD adapters) are not capable of transmitting the commands necessary to support audio CD and photoCD.

If you're not sure whether your adapter is compatible, please contact Anodyne Software.


Last updated 29 April 2000 by Roger Burrows