
With CDWriter you can create audio CDs that can be played back on a standard audio CD player or on your CD-ROM drive. The CD tracks are created from your own audio files (one file = one track).



CDWriter offers:

bulleta modern interface for building your compilations of audio files
bulletrecording at 4x on 68030 and faster systems
bulletrecording at 2x even on 68000 systems
bulletreliable writes, time after time
bulleteasy installation: no dongle required!
bulletsimulate-before-writing feature
bulletsupport for AVR, AIF, and WAV file formats
bulletQuickCreate feature to automatically create a compilation from a folder of audio files, and write it to CD.
bulletdrag and drop feature for re-ordering, removing, cutting and pasting file entries inside the compilation
bulletprinting of CD contents (track numbers, song names, times)
bulletprovision for extra pause length between tracks
bulletup to 99 tracks and 74 minutes of audio can be written (the maximum that an audio CD can hold)
bulletsupport for HP, Philips, Yamaha, and SCSI3/MMC-compliant CD recorders  

To create audio CDs, you will need the following items in addition to CDWriter:

bulletExtenDOS Gold
bulletAtari or Atari-compatible, including:
bulletAtari ST or STe, with 1 MB RAM and Link96 or Link97 host adapter
bulletAtari Falcon030, TT030 or other Atari-compatible with SCSI interface
bulleta compatible CD recorder device (please see the ExtenDOS Gold documentation for a list)
bulletblank CD-R (CD-Recordable) discs
bulleta large hard disk drive to store your audio files before writing them to a CD-R disc
bulletOperating Systems supported: TOS 1.4 and above, MagiC, MiNT and Geneva.  

CDWriter has been superceded by CD Writer Suite v4.

Last updated 29 May 2006 by Roger Burrows